Friday, August 28, 2009

Butter, huh.

The other day a friend of mine was extolling the Bread and Butter Pudding that his aunt in England makes. Then another friend joined in, saying how great Bread and Butter Pudding is. Now I know how to make great bread pudding, and I really think my custard is excellent, but I was all intrigued by the butter. I wanted to give it a try!

Well, so I did. This is phenomenal. I couldn’t have been happier! I did add some vanilla and one extra spoonful of sugar, but other than that, the dash of salt, and, well, the temperature I baked it at… here it is!

Bread and Butter Pudding (Recipe of FD's Aunt in England)
3 slices of buttered bread cut into quarters
1- 2 small handfuls of currents or Sultanas
1 desert spoon sugar
1 pint of milk
2 eggs

layer the bread in a greased pie dish buttered side up sprinkle the fruit and the sugar on the layers.

Heat the milk, not to hot, beat the eggs with a fork and pour on to the warmed milk then mix the mixture well
pour into pie dish over the bread, grate nutmeg on the top and leave to stand for 30 mins .
bake in a moderate oven for 30mins or till set and brown (375 F)
Serve with cream

What makes bread and butter better than bread? The butter makes it better. Otherwise this recipe is just like the great and wonderful bread pudding you and I love to eat. Or, it’s something like baked French Toast, which I also love to eat.

I used the ends of a loaf of Como from Grand Central Bakery, which I found to be perfect for this, letting the heels sit in the most liquid under the other layers. Just what I would have expected, they soaked up the milk and turned into delicious custard softness. But the buttered slices on top, which I also sprinkled with sugar after buttering then cutting in 2” squares, developed that well-buttered crunch on top with the custard soaking up through the square, creating a custardy, crunchy, raisin-nutmeg-y explosion of awesomeness that I ate warm!

Bread Pudding’s fine, and I’m happy to try it again, but Bread and Butter Pudding is on top!

1 comment:

  1. sounds good... I'll have to dig around for my recipe and see how it compares.
