Friday, June 19, 2009


Coarse compliments are truly inspiring. What if there was something more compelling than sugar and love in my pastries? But there isn’t. On the other hand, is there anything more compelling than sugar and love? At any rate, when I make a macaron, you can be sure that it is bursting with the best of those.

My housemate had a benefit for “Climb for Kids” at her coffee shop, and she’s going to summit Mt Rainier in August with the organization. She’s doing a lot of training, and this is her fundraiser. Looking through some of my pastry photos, she picked out the macarons as a nice colorful finger food that should go over well. And it did.

But before it went anywhere I had to decide what it would be. Just the other day I found almond milk in the grocery store and have been trying to decide how I can incorporate it into my pastries. Well, if anything should go together it would be almond cream and macarons!

So I set in to make an almond cream. I thought it should act exactly like milk, so I made a rich pastry cream with almond milk. Fantastic! It was looser than I had anticipated, so next time I’ll certainly be sure to make modifications, but not to worry, they will only be improvements. I made two other creams, as well: cherry and mango!


  1. Chère Adrian,
    Je salive en lisant tes "posts"... J'espère que tu pourras ouvrir un jour la pâtisserie Adrian...
    Très bon week-end!

  2. Merci Anne! Moi aussi, je veux les offrir a ma propre patisserie :-)
